Ncurses Programming Guide

by X. Li

If you have some beginning experience in Unix programming, you may have felt the need of some text user interface operations, such as moving the cursor on the screen, editing user input, using colors, ... Such terminal IO related operations are not portable and not defined in C language. You need to either use the low-level termcap library or the curses library. Using curses/ncurses library is much easier and more portable.


Using the library

Installations, header inclusions and link options.

Before and after using ncurses function

Thing you need to do before calling curses functions

Creating windows

Creating windows

Moving the cursor

Move the cursor around the window


Read user input from keyboard


Write text to the window

Using colors and other text attributes

Text colors, highlighting, blinking, ...

Using curses in Xterm

How to cope window resizing by user

An example of complete programs

A typing speed test program by me

Using ncurses library

To compile your C/C++ programs using ncurses/curses library you need to include the curses header file <curses.h>. For ncurses, you may include either <curses.h> or <ncurses.h>. In some systems, you must include <ncurses.h>.
#include <curses.h>
To link the programs you need to use the -lcurses or -lncurses option, like
gcc -lncurses prog.c
This way the program is dynamically linked to the ncurses library. To run it in another computer, the system must have the ncurses library installed. If you want to avoid the trouble, you may have it statically linked. To do that, find the file libncurses.a in /usr/lib and do
gcc prog.c libncurses.a

Most Unix systems have curses or ncurses installed as a default option. To find out if it's installed, you can try man ncurses man curses or go to /usr/lib and /usr/include to list the files.

If you're installing Linux or FreeBSD on your own machine, be sure to install the ncurses-development package in order to do ncurses programming.


The very first thing to do: Before you use any other curses routines, the initscr() routine must be called first.
If your program is going to write to several terminals, you should call newterm instead, which is another story.

One-character-a-time. To disable the buffering of typed characters by the TTY driver and get a character-at-a-time input, you need to call


No echo. To suppress the automatic echoing of typed characters, you need to call


Special keys. In order to capture special keystrokes like Backspace, Delete and the four arrow keys by getch(), you need to call

keypad(stdscr, TRUE);

Before exiting. Before the program is terminated, endwin() must be called to restore the terminal settings.


A window is a 2-dimensional array of characters representing all or part of a CRT screen. Character input and output should pertain to a specific window.

The default window. A default window called stdscr, which is the size of the terminal screen, is supplied. To use the stdscr window, you don't need to do any initializations. You can also divide the screen to several parts and create a window to represent each part.

Create a new window. The data structure of window is WINDOW, defined in ncurses.h. To declare and create a new window, do

WINDOW * win = newwin(nlines, ncols, y0, x0);
                        The screen (stdscr)
        (0,0)*----------------------------------* (0, COLUMNS-1)
             |                                  |
             |                                  |
             |    (y0,x0)                       |
             |      ---------------             |
             |      |             |             |
             |      |             |             |
             |      |     win     |nlines       |
             |      |             |             |
             |      |             |             |
             |      |             |             |
             |      ---------------             |
             |          ncols                   |
             |                                  |
       (LINES-1, 0)                              (LINES-1, COLUMNS-1) 
All the 4 parameters are ints. Here nline is the height of the window -- number of lines, ncols is the width -- number of columns of the window. y0 and x0 are the coordinates of the upper left corner of win on the screen -- line y0 and columns x0. You should make sure that the area of the new window is inside the screen.

Height and width of the window. The size of the whole screen can be determined by the two global variables COLUMNS and LINES. y0 and x0 should satisfy

   0 <= y0 < LINES;
   0 <= x0 < COLUMNS;

In X window system, the actual xterm size might be changed leaving these two variables obslete. In this case you should use the macro void getmaxyx(WINDOW *, int y, int x) to get the size of the screen.

   int h, w;
   getmaxyx(stdscr, h, w);

No overlapping. Windows cannot overlap with each other. Therefore you have two options: only use stdscr and no other windows, or create several non-overlapping windows but do not use stdscr.

Refresh. If you make some change to a window, such as printing something or moving the cursor, the effect is not shown on the screen until you call the wrefresh() function


Clear window. To erase everything written in the window win, call wrefresh(win). refresh() is equivalent to wrefresh(stdscr).

Delete window. If a window win is no longer needed, and you're going to create new windows to overlap it, you should call delwin(win) to delete the window (release the memory it is using).

Moving the cursor

The position of the cursor on the screen is important because it is default beginning place for most output functions. The cursor also shows the user where the input is expected.

To move the cursor to a new position on a window, use the function int wmove(WINDOW *win, int y, int x)

wmove(win, y, x);
where (x, y) are the coordinates of the new position in the window. If the window has nlines lines and ncolumns columns, then

      0 <= y < nlines
      0 <= x < ncolumns

Refresh. The actual cursor motion is not shown on the screen untill you do a wrefresh(win).

move(y, x) is equivalent to the wmove(stdscr, y, x).


To read a character from stdscr, use the function int getch(void).

    int ch = getch();
No echoing. If you have called noecho(), the character ch will not be printed on the screen, otherwise it will. Disabling automatic echoing gives you more control over the user interface.

No buffering. If you have called cbreak(void) each key the user hits is returned immediately by getch(). Otherwise the keys hit by the user are queued until a newline is read. Then calls to getch() take characters from the queue in FIFO manner until the queue is empty and the next whole line is read.

No delaying. Usually a call to getch() waits until a key is hit. If you have called nodelay(stdscr, TRUE), then getch() will work in a non-blocking manner -- it will return ERR if the key input is not ready. This is usually useful for writing game-like programs, where the promptness of user response matters. For example

     int ch;
     nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
     for (;;) {
          if ((ch = getch()) == ERR) {
              /* user hasn't responded
          else {
              /* user has pressed a key ch

Special keys. If you have called keypad(stdstr, TRUE), then if the user hits a special key such as the Delete key, the arrow keys, Ctrl combined keys and function keys, a single int value will be returned. Here is the definition of several special keys

           key code        description

           KEY_DOWN        The four arrow keys ...
           KEY_HOME        Home key 
           KEY_BACKSPACE   Backspace
           KEY_F(n)        Function keys, for 0 <= n >= 63
           KEY_DC          Delete character
           KEY_IC          Insert char or enter insert mode
           KEY_ENTER       Enter or send
For a complete list read the man page of getch().

Catch special keys. To use these keys, you need to check the return value of getch(). For example

     int ch = getch();
     switch (ch) {
          case KEY_BACKSPACE: /* user pressed backspace */ 
          case KEY_UP:  /* user pressed up arrow key */
          case KEY_DOWN:  /* user pressed up arrow key */
          case 'A' ....   /* user pressed key 'A' */
Read character from a window. The function int wgetch(WINDOW *win). reads a key from a window. The user input of course comes from the keyboard and not the screen window. But the different windows on the screen might have different delay modes and other properties, therefore affect the behavior of wgetch().

Moving the cursor and read a character. There are also functions which combine cursor moving and character reading together

       int mvgetch(int y, int x);
       int mvwgetch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);


The function int waddch(WINDOW * win, chtype ch) adds a character on the window at the current cursor position, and the cursor position is advanced then.

Wrap. If the new position of the cursor is out of the window, it wraps to the beginning of the next line.

Scroll. If the next line is out of the window, and you have called scrollok(win, TRUE) when the window was created, the stuff in the window is scrolled up one line.

Character attribute. The parameter ch is of type chtype(), which is the ASCII value of the character combined with some video attributes such as colors. The combination is through the logical OR of the character value and the attribute, which I will talk about in the section.

Refresh. After a call to waddch, the screen is not updated until you call wrefresh(win).

Ohter output functions

mvwaddch(win, y, x, ch); is equivalent to wmove(win, y, x); waddch(win, ch);

addch(ch); is equivalent to waddch(stdscr, ch);.

wechochar(win, ch); function and echochar(ch) are equivalent to waddch(win, ch); wrefresh(win); and addch(ch); refresh(); respectively. But echochar and wechochar may be more efficient.

int waddstr(WINDOW *win, const char *str) and int addstr(const char *str) prints a null-terminated string at the cursor position of the window, and advance the cursor position accordingly.

The functions int wprintw(WINDOW *win, char *fmt ...) and int printw(char *fmt ...) do formatted output in the same fashion as the analogous standard library function printf.


When characters are drawn on the screen some special video effects, like foreground and background color, highlight, underline, blinking, ..., can be shown. Such video effects are represented by integers called text attributes. Each significant bit of the attribute corresponds to one video effect.

Using attribute

There are two ways to use attribute. One is by passing waddch(win, ch) a character value combined with attribute. The other is setting the global window attribute.

Character type. When calling waddch(win, ch) or addch(ch), logical OR the character value with the attribute. For example, A_UNDERLINE is the predefined attribute for underlining. To print the character 'X' with underlining, do

     waddch(win, 'X' | A_UNDERLINE);
Using several attributes is of course possible. For example, to To print the character 'X' with highlight in color pair 3

     waddch(win, 'X' | A_UNDERLINE | COLOR_PAIR(3));

Setting window attribute. int wattron(WINDOW *win, int attr) function to turn on an attribute attr. Then anything printed by subsequent calls to waddch, addstr and waddstr will have the attribute attr, For example, to print a highlighted message on the screen

     addstr("I am highlighted!\n");
Predefined attributes. Here is some attributes defined in ncurses.h

        A_NORMAL        Normal display (no highlight)
        A_STANDOUT      Best highlighting mode of the terminal.
        A_UNDERLINE     Underlining
        A_REVERSE       Reverse video
        A_BLINK         Blinking
        A_DIM           Half bright
        A_BOLD          Extra bright or bold
        A_PROTECT       Protected mode
        A_INVIS         Invisible or blank mode
        A_ALTCHARSET    Alternate character set
        A_CHARTEXT      Bit-mask to extract a character
        COLOR_PAIR(n)   Color-pair number n

Using colors

The combination of foreground and background color is an attribute. Unlike other attributes, before using colors, you must call start_color().

When start_color() is called, a set of colors and color pairs are created which you can use. The number of available colors and the number of the color pairs are stored in two global variables COLORS and COLOR_PAIRS. To use an predefined color pair as an attribute, you need to cal the macro COLOR_PAIR(n), where n must satisfy

     0 <= n < COLORS
Example. To give a window the color attribute defined by color pair #2, so that each subsequent character printed in this window has the foreground and background color defined by color pair #2

    wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(2));
The meaning of a color pair can be redefined. For example

redefine the color pair #1 with foreground color #2 and background color #0. In the function int init_pair(short n, short f, short b) the parameters must satisfy

    0 <= n < COLORS  
    0 <= f < COLOR_PAIRS  
    0 <= b < COLOR_PAIRS  

When start_color() is called, 8 basic colors are initialized

You can use these names in init_pair() for specifying foreground and background color.

To find out what foreground color and background color is used by a color pair, use the function int pair_content(short pair, short *f, short *b). To find out the definition of a color use the function int color_content(short color, short *r, short *g, short *b)

Color can also be redefined by int init_color(short n, short r, short g, short b), where n is the index of color, must be less than COLORS. r, g, and b represent the intensity of red, green and blue. Each value of r, g and b must be less than 1000.

Line graphics

Line graphics. Here are some special characters which can be used in addch and addstr routines as the chtype.
       ACS_BLOCK               solid square block
       ACS_BOARD               board of squares
       ACS_BTEE                bottom tee
       ACS_BULLET              bullet
       ACS_CKBOARD             checker board (stipple)
       ACS_DARROW              arrow pointing down
       ACS_DEGREE              degree symbol
       ACS_DIAMOND             diamond
       ACS_GEQUAL              greater-than-or-equal-to
       ACS_HLINE               horizontal line
       ACS_LANTERN             lantern symbol
       ACS_LARROW              arrow pointing left
       ACS_LEQUAL              less-than-or-equal-to
       ACS_LLCORNER            lower left-hand corner
       ACS_LRCORNER            lower right-hand corner
       ACS_LTEE                left tee
       ACS_NEQUAL              not-equal
       ACS_PI                  greek pi
       ACS_PLMINUS             plus/minus
       ACS_PLUS                plus
       ACS_RARROW              arrow pointing right
       ACS_RTEE                right tee
       ACS_S1                  scan line 1
       ACS_S3                  scan line 3
       ACS_S7                  scan line 7
       ACS_S9                  scan line 9
       ACS_STERLING            pound-sterling symbol
       ACS_TTEE                top tee
       ACS_UARROW              arrow pointing up
       ACS_ULCORNER            upper left-hand corner
       ACS_URCORNER            upper right-hand corner
       ACS_VLINE               vertical line
Usually on terminals using these symbols can draw pretty windows and shapes. One place to use this is the wborder function, which draws borders for a window. See the man page for details about the parameters, but usually do it the following way

     wborder(win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
will make a good looking window.

To draw a horizontal line across the window, do

     whline(win, ACS_HLINE, ncolumns);

X window

If an xterm is resized the contents on your text windows might be messed up. To handle this gracefully you should redraw all the stuff based on the new height and width of the screen. When resizing happens, your program is sent a SIGWINCH signal. You should catch this signal and do redrawing accordingly. Here is some hint.

     #include <signal.h>
     void* resizeHandler(int);

     int main(void) {
          signal(SIGWINCH, resizeHandler);

     void* resizeHandler(int sig)
          int nh, nw;
          getmaxyx(stdscr, nh, nw);  /* get the new screen size */

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